Why do you clench your teeth?

Why do you clench your teeth?

If you’re noticing headaches, pain in the jaw or face, breakage of fillings or crowns, or wearing down and flattening of teeth, you might be clenching or grinding your teeth. Teeth grinding (also known as bruxism) is usually done in our sleep. However, with added...
Can Brushing Your Teeth Whiten Them?

Can Brushing Your Teeth Whiten Them?

In the world of misconceptions, “teeth being naturally white” has to be ranked in the top 3. We hear from patients often that they brush their teeth every day, but still don’t have perfect pearly white teeth. There are a few reasons for this. Your Teeth Aren’t...
How long do dental crowns last?

How long do dental crowns last?

If there isn’t enough tooth structure to restore a tooth with a filling; or if you have had a root canal, your dentist will likely want to place a crown over the tooth. A crown covers the damaged tooth and helps restore the normal shape, size, and function of the...